Terara Public School

A rich history - a bright future

Telephone02 4421 6034


Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association

Who are we?

Our Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is a group of parents that love our kids, love our school and are passionate about helping it be the best school it can be.

Our current executive committee is:

President - Ahlia Cesco

Vice President - Danielle Clunes

Secretary - Brooke Russell

Treasurer - Renee Coulthart

Assistant Treasurer - Julia Anderson

Uniform Shop Officer - Tegan Madge

Assistant Uniform Officer - Jocelyn Musson

Canteen Coordinator- Vanessa Cladingbowl

Fundraising Co-Ordinators - Julia Anderson, Kyra Cooper and Von Terrassin

What do we do?

One of the TPS P&C Association's primary goals is to raise money to help support our school, which enables us to provide:

  • Quality uniforms at subsidised prices
  • Sponsorship of Student recognition and awards
  • Upgrades to learning environments such as air conditioning and heating
  • Technology upgrades across the school including iPads and laptops
  • Funds for special educational projects that are outside normal school budgets
  • Financial assistance for students participating in extracurricular activities and sports events on a needs basis

We have a variety of fundraising activities like The School Disco, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day Stalls which change from year to year thanks to the input of the parent community, whilst others have become a tradition like the tri-annual Terara Country Fair.

When do we meet?

Our P&C meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm during the school term.

How can I help?

Our P&C has a motto “many hands make light work” and we are always looking for new ideas and new helpers, so please get involved if you can.

While we appreciate any and all assistance you can give, we understand that parents have outside commitments (after all, we are parents ourselves). From time to time at meetings, and through the school newsletter, we will ask for help with various fundraising or school community events.

If you can help or volunteer some of your precious time, that is great and most welcomed. Whether you are able to give an hour or two once a year to cook some sausages at a BBQ or help out at other fundraising events, we will gratefully accept whatever assistance you feel able to give at the time.

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